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The Final Harvest Season: The Return of Jesus

Updated on January 3, 2017

A question to ponder..are you wheat or chaft?

Jesus talks about how those who will be saved will be along side those who will be destroyed. The chose is ours to make.
Jesus talks about how those who will be saved will be along side those who will be destroyed. The chose is ours to make. | Source

WATCH OUT! HERE I GO...This could be the most important hub I have written yet!

I feel that I been devoting way too much time to dark subjects such as werewolves and Halloween. The reason that I sense this is that, I been the brunt of some pretty serious spiritual attacks lately. It has been one form of craziness after another and I am spending a lot of time saying “in the name of Jesus Christ, get thee behind me Satan!” The problem is that I am working on a book about werewolves that I believe that I have been lead from the Holy Spirit to write!

Even the Hub I wrote about Space Weather seems a little negative to me right now, so that is why I am going to take my own advice and shout out the battle cry… “Balance, Baby!” This hub will still be a little scary even though it will also focus on the positive. Because this hub is about “The Final Harvest Season” which is the harvest of souls before the triumphant return of our Lord Jesus!

The truth about this matter is that this article could not be written at a more metaphoric time of year, since this is during the time of harvest for a lot of crops. I always thought it was interesting that Christ talked about harvest quit a lot. Besides this, he also compares His return to labor pains! For just like labor pains, the events that will signal the last days will build slowly…and then there will be a whole lot of blood and a whole lot of screaming!

To me, it has become blatantly clear that something major is going on that cannot be ignored! There are just two many prophecies becoming fulfilled to turn a blind eye. I have hinted on this before and yet, I will now tackle the subject head on! I think most of my readers know me to well to think that I would give an exact date, for many have made predictions about the date that Christ will return and ended up being wrong. In fact, there are many false prophets flooding Internet and I do not mean the 2012 fanatics but others who even claim that Jesus will return before then! These people may mean well but they are in reality, like “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” What really baffles me is why do devout Christians even try to predict when Christ will return? Shouldn’t they know better?

The two videos that I have downloaded do a better job of breaking down the events that will lead to the second coming of Christ than I could. What I will do is look at some of the events in my own life that lead me to believe that Christianity is the answer. I did not come to this conclusion easily or over night. In fact the path back to Christianity was a long one.

I have already written a lot on this subject and you can find out more about my conversion process on hubs like From Satanist to Salvation all three segments. You may also be interested in hubs like The War Within, The Devil Wears Camouflage and How to Transform Yourself.I will fill in the blanks a little better in this hub, for I want people to understand that I was a person that have checked out a lot of possibilities in spiritual beliefs.

I have practice Satanism, Shamanism, Wicca, Buddhism and plan old New Ageism! I even started my own church which was collective of Black Art practices. It was called “The Church of Divine Darkness.” I had intense rage and at one time absolutely despised Christianity. If you told me when I was teenager that I would eventually become a Christian I would have laughed in your face! In fact at one time in my life, I vowed to kill myself if I discovered that Christianity was true.

So what happened to change my mind? When the attack on 911 accrued I started remembering all the prophecies that my mother told me about. One that jump to my mind was how Israel would be at the heart of world events.

All you haft to do is check out the news to read about the deadly tension between most Islamic nations and Israel. Especially Iran and Palestine, in fact I find it very strange that the Iranian President, Ahmadinejad would make threats not only to Israel but also, the U.S.A. In one statement he says "May the undertaker bury you, your table and your body, which has soiled the world." This man makes all kinds of outrages claims about the holocaust and other greatly misinformed views about Israel and is only embraced by the Islamic nations. He goes on to state that Israel “must be wiped off the map.” He also refers to Israel being “disgraceful stain” that needs to be eliminated from the Islamic world. This makes it very clear what their intent is. No compromise no peace talks, just complete inhalation!

These radical views that focus on Israel, are only the tip of a very large iceberg of prophecies that are being fulfilled about God’s chosen people. I also believe that though pollution, we are quickly coming to time that the earth and the atmosphere will be too poisoned to sustain life. I am not talking about “global warming” for what I really feel is that the weather and the seasons will become totally out of whack. Yes we have done a lot of good by “going green” However, the damage has already been done. In Revelation 11: 18 it talks about those who have destroyed the earth and what will be done to them.

Another verse in Revelation describes what is already happening with the economy, even though it will get worse and NOT better. This is Revelation 6: 5-6, where it talks about the prices of food becoming outrageously high. It has not reached a point were groceries will cost a days pay and yet, I can see it coming! In fact my writer friend magnoliazz just wrote a powerful hub about this very subject. It is called U.S Unemployment 17% California Unemployment 22%. Check it out, for it demonstrates seriousness of the times we live in. So as you will see in the videos, one prophecy after another has either been fulfilled or will soon be fulfilled.

I do not want to shove any of my belief down any ones throat, I am just stating what I see happening right before my very eyes, for I feel that is my responsibility to do so. Even the complete obsession I see with 2012 is an indication of falsehood being presented as the truth. I will not be surprised to see or hear about people claiming that the Messiah has returned in the very near future!

I did not write this hub to scare people, I wrote it to encourage people to make a choice and to be aware of what is the truth that is reviled in the Bible. We can not trust the governments of this world for they have all become corrupted, or any corporation that tries to offer peace and safety. The only one we can trust is Jesus!

This video is the best I have ever seen in revealing God's plan for salvation.


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