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The Devil wears Camouflage.

Updated on August 12, 2018

The Devil hides in Plane Sight!

This picture has always haunted me even if it is just "a trick of light" or whatever, I find the image disturbing. It is a powerful metaphor to the work of Satan!
This picture has always haunted me even if it is just "a trick of light" or whatever, I find the image disturbing. It is a powerful metaphor to the work of Satan!

The Devil Wears Camouflage

I recently was reading a response to a question on HubPages were a woman was wondering if she could consider her self a Christian if she conversed with the dead and read Taro Cards. This amazed me, for when I practice the Occult; I was defiantly not a Christian and did not pretend to be! I was a card carrying Satanist, who used the tools of his trade, Taro Cards crystals, Ouija boards and wands. I knew without a shadow of doubt that theses things had nothing to do with Christianity and that was the POINT!

During that time, I saw everything as backwards. God was wrong and the Devil was right! The reason I came to that conclusion is that it seem that even Christians embraced the things of this world and Pagan practices. It appalled me and I wanted nothing to do with the two-face view projected by those who confessed to serve Christ but still dabbled in things that went against the scriptures. THIS IS THE MAIN THING THAT DROVE ME AWAY FROM THE CHURCH! I want to make this point clear as possible, for the Christian Church is still doing this! Christians allow their focus to drift allover the place instead of staying on target. That target is the Kingdom of God and when they veer off from this target, they drive many souls away!

Christianity is meant to be separate from the world, in the world but not of it! God makes it clear in the scriptures that you cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24) and He is clear about his view on witchcraft (Leviticus 19:26). In this verse, God declares that His people should not practice fortunetelling or any form of witchcraft. This of course, is not the only verse in the Bible that warns against the practices of witchcraft or any type of magic. In Revelation 21: 08 God lays it on the line when he says: “But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt murders, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idol worshipers, and all liars-there fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur.” This may seem harsh nevertheless; it shows that God does not compromise!

I can no longer buy into the lie that there is “several paths up the mountain but the view at the top is all the same.” If you want to reach God, there is only one way and that is though Jesus Christ! I did not come to this conclusion easily, for I was very rebellious person and I did not care for the concept of “the straight and narrow.” I have finally reached this conclusion after years of wasting time perusing paths that lead me nowhere.

I believe that when God says he is a jealous God, He says this for our own good. He knows that Satan has prepared landmines for the careless to step into. Some of the false hoods of the Devil may seem harmless or intriguing. Like interest in Astrology, what harm could there be in that? I will answer that with a question- have you ever cooked frogs? You see, when you cook frogs, you do not throw them into boiling water. You slowly increase the heat so they do not know what is going on. That is how Satan temp people. He is a professional frog chef! The enemy has been described as a “roaring Lyon” and yet, more often, he hides in the tall grass waiting for us to wonder by.

BESIDES THIS, HE IS A MASTER OF DISGUISE! I boldly shout this for this is so important to understand! Remember the Garden of Eden? The Serpent was nothing like it is now. It was beautiful creature! Not only this, he told such a devious lie! This yea shall be like gods(Genesis 3: 1-4) is the premises for most forms of witchcraft! The goal is to become a god or goddess! This is evident in such Wicca rituals as “The Great Rite” when the priest and priestess take on the role of god and goddess in either symbolic or actual sexual acts.

Now, when it comes to the subject of Wicca, some people see it as a way to explore their roots, (if they have Celtic ancestors). I have even known people who claim to be Christian witches! If you want to practice witchcraft, then find, practice witchcraft! Just do not be confused by thinking God is okay with that! When you mix water with gasoline, does it help your engine to run better? My experience tells me no, it does not. It makes the engine sputter and run rough.

Well the same is true with mixing truths with lies! There is only one source of power in doing any form of discernment or understanding anything unknown. That source of power is the Holy Spirit. God is the one that can give men the power to prophecy or know the future and he does not need the help of Taro cards or any other tools of Satan! In the Western World, Christianity has wimped out big time allowing all kinds of garbage to seep though the floorboards of the church in an effort not to offend anyone!

It is time for us cast out that which goes against the principles presented in the Bible. Just like I state in my hub series The Feathered Christ, the predictions about the world ending on December 21, 2012 cannot be true because they go against the statement Jesus makes in Mathew Mathew 24: 36 “only the father knows the hour.” Yes, the Devil wares Camouflage and yet with the help of Scripture we can spot him every time!


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