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How to Break the strong holds of the Occult

Updated on May 19, 2014

Suit up, and show up!

The first thing a Christian must realize is that the more we work for God, the more our enemy will come against us. This is why we must prepare our selves for this fact.
The first thing a Christian must realize is that the more we work for God, the more our enemy will come against us. This is why we must prepare our selves for this fact. | Source

We battle not against flesh and blood!

It has been over twenty year now since I have had any involvement with the Occult. Even so, I still receive a lot of spiritual attacks. Satan is forever looking for a foothold; a way to either get me back into the darkness I was delivered from, or destroy me completely. I still get bazaar thoughts and I find I have to "suit up" with the armor of God constantly. The fact that I am working on a novel that has a lot of Occult aspect in it, does not make it any easier.

However, I am writing this book to do my best in countering the fascination that the Occult holds for young people in this day and age. I also am aware that even in the Christian churches, aspects of the "New Age" movement has a strong appeal. There is even a tendency to blend Christianity with Wicca and other forms of metaphysics.

Many try to convince us, that Wicca is a "white" religion; but I will boldly state that there is no such thing as white witchcraft! I go into this at some length in the last hub in a sires of hubs I wrote, Luciferian Doctrine My conclusion. In that article, I speak about how Wicca is much different than many claim. Even some of the Wicca "historians" have stated that the history of Wicca is not completely correct! If you want to read about my findings on this, then please read the link above for I will not repeat my self in this hub.

For I have other fish to fry; in this hub I want to discuss how to protect oneself from Satanic assaults. Especial if one has a pass with Occult involvement. The most powerful weapon we have is to "plead the blood of Jesus" over the situation that we find ourselves. for it is Jesus's sacrifice that has redeem us. We also must have a relationship with God though prayer and the diligent study of his word, the Bible.

It is also important for us to guard our thoughts and the activities that effects both conscious and unconscious aspects of are minds. For our thoughts is where the battle for our souls is fought. That is why the scriptures tell us that we must be diligent about what we dwell on. One important verse that speaks to this this truth is Philippians 4:8, which instructs us to focus on things that are true and honorable and right, pure and lovely. Some of these things are quite difficult to accomplish in the world we live in. Especially when we are constantly bombarded by just the opposite emotions and qualities. In this day and age, falsehood and dishonesty, corruption and just plain ugliness is everywhere!

Then Peter tells us that in spite of the fact that we live among "Pagans", that they will see our good works even when we are accused of doing wrong. This can be a tall order when we find ourselves in situations where we are being criticized for our believes. The bottom line here is that it is all about action.

Other things we can do is have our homes blessed by someone who's faith is strong. Anointing oil and holy water is two substances that can be very useful when ridding a home of unwanted spiritual activity. We must also avoid involvement with any thing that diverts us from our relationship with God. Dabbling in anything that has the signature of the Occult will only put out a welcoming mat for demonic activity. In my opinion, even an interest in Astrology can tempt us to explore even deeper into realms that belongs to the Devil. I speak of this in more detail in my hub The Devil wares Camouflage. Curiosity does not only "kill the cat", it puts our very souls in grave danger! In the next section of this hub, I will discuss some of the myths and misconception about Satan and all his methods of operations.

A long but important video!

Know your enemy

One of the myths about Satan, is that Demons do not have the ability to act on their own accord, that they are only pawns of the Devil and only do his bidding. yes, It is true, that Satan is in charge of the other Fallen Angles, and yet, there is a chain of command. It is the same with angles in "Heaven's Army." Every one of these spirits has their own purpose and position. The "high command" are in charge of actual areas, or even countries. Danial speaks of this when he talk"s about the "Prince of Persia".

When I was a Satanist, I was taught the "chain of command" and what demons would be used for different rituals. I go into this more in my the second hub in the series " Luciferian Doctrine", part Two. There are demons that attack us in our dreams, demons that brings about strife in our relationships, and even demons that are experts in tempting us with lustful thoughts,

Another myth, is that Christians are immune to attacks. That since Christ defeated Satan when He sacrificed His life for the world, that Satan has lost his power. Nothing could be farthest from the truth, for Satan is doing everything in his power to "deceive the very elect". Falsehood has slithered it's way into the Christian church from the very beginning of the Church.Of course, some of Satan's methods of corrupting the churches are quite subtle. Satan being "the Father of Lies" loves to use what some might call "white lies". Both Paul and Peter, warns us of false teachers.

I have spoken before about Satan being like a "bass pro fisherman" and the reason why I see him like this is that he has studied the human race for a long time so he will know what are weakness are. Just like a bass pro, that has studied the attributes and feeding habits of the fish he has targeted. He knows were the fish hang out at certain times of the year and if one thing does not work, he will try something else! In other words, he is flexible.

Not only is Satan flexible, he is patient and relentless. And it is my belief that he becomes more aggressive the closer we come to God.In my last Hub Crisis: American Style , I declare that the reason that America is going through so much strife at this time is that we have wondered away from God. Instead we have turned towards the very things that the Bible warns us to avoid. When we as a nation embrace the things of this fallen world, we bring on us the same fate that those who worshiped idols and false gods.

So in closing, I want to proclaim that the best way for us as a nation can break the stronghold that the Occult has on us, especially our young, is turn back to God as he is presented in the Bible.


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